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Porn & Sex Tracker

4.0 ( 0 ratings )
المطور: Track & Share Apps, LLC
1.99 USD

The PST app lets you find out how porn consumption, overuse, and possibly addiction affects your life. It also allows you to build in life changes in small steps and to see their effect.

PST makes you aware of and lets you understand how things are related. Six items are set up and address most controversial topics:
➞ porn consumption
➞ porn craving
➞ work performance
➞ your relationship
➞ being intimate with your partner
➞ note item

The app has a neutral appearance. The app’s name on the device is “PST”. Access to the app can be password protected.

You can customize PST in many ways. Here are some options:
➞ rename a category. There are several categories to group and compare items.
➞ rename an item. Eg, replace “porn consumption” with “Internet browsing”.
➞ relabel the levels of an item. Eg, replace the label “very good” with “great”.
➞ replace the icons of an item. Pick icons from our large selection, or use photos and images and turn them into icons.

The note item can store an image for each note entry. Try using the note item as a diary.

All information can be shared if you choose to. For example, share reports or entire backup files with a coach or peer. Sharing works via email and is not essential for this app to be useful. It is your decision to make use of sharing via email or Twitter.

A quick guide takes you through the app at first launch.

The app comes with six items that allow for unlimited entries and customization. To add more items you can purchase different item types (visual scales, notes, numbers, yes/no items). For example, use visual scales to add a mood item. With these in-app purchases you can upgrade the app to the same level as our popular app Track & Share.

Supporting member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists (AASECT.org)